New Lead Pastor

Northside Community Church is pleased to announce that Pastor Steve Boctor has accepted the call to ministry as lead pastor beginning December 2, 2018.

The Board of Elders and church family are excited to welcome Pastor Steve and his wife Michelle to serve and worship among us.

Steve has over 25 years of ministry experience working with children, youth, and their families both in church and parachurch contexts. He has a contagious spirit of joy, a passion for God and a deep love for his family. Steve earned his Bachelor’s degree at York University and has an M.Div. from Tyndale Seminary.

He and Michelle have been married over 20 years and they have two amazing, fun-loving, Christian children (Nathan & Katelyn).

Steve was previously Lead Pastor at Huron Park Baptist Church in Woodstock, ON and former youth leader at an AGC church in Aurora, ON. His favourite hobbies are playing golf, eating chocolate, and building relationships.

Pastor Steve is very friendly, he has a heart for community ministry/outreach, teaching God’s Word and helping people build healthy, strong and godly homes.

Join us Sunday’s at 10:30 am to meet Pastor Steve and to see people moving closer to Jesus by passionately pursuing Him, creating community, loving people practically and intentionally seeking to multiply.